Featured Artists at
the 2018 AMA ChalkFest
Jessi QueenJessi Queen is a chalk artist and UX designer living in Atlanta, GA. She started chalking at the SCAD Sidewalk Arts Festival in 2007, receiving Honorable Mention, while she was just a high schooler. While attending SCAD herself, her chalk art was featured in the SCAD Connector. Jessi has led workshops at various colleges, festivals, and events. In 2013, she was asked to be a Featured Artist at the Marietta Chalk Festival, and in 2014, she started the Georgia Chalk Artists Guild. She has won a number of awards for her work and has displayed chalk drawing in local art shows.
Zachary HerndonZach is a chalk artist living in Atlanta, GA who was first introduced to chalking through his wife, Jessi Queen, at the 2011 SCAD Sidewalk Arts Festival. Zach co-founded the Georgia Chalk Artists Guild with Jessi Queen and Katie Bush in 2014. The organization has since grown to over 40 members and partners with festivals throughout Georgia to bring chalk art to various corners of the state. He’s passionate about engaging festival patrons and including them in the process; he created the Pop-Up chalk festival to help explore ways of bringing chalk to communities. In 2015, Zach and Jessi shared a chalk piece at the Gwinnett Arts Fest and won First Place and People’s Choice Award. Later that year Zach chalked solo for the first time at the Sarasota International Chalk Festival. In 2016, he participated in the Lake Worth Street Painting Festival and developed his own method for chalking Lichtenstein’s famous ben-day dots. He has traveled to festivals across the south east including GA, FL, KY, MN, TN, TX. In 2016, he and his wife Jessi participated in street art festivals in Italy and Germany.
Chelsey AustinChelsey Austin is a Melbourne, FL native currently working as a graphic designer and artist living in Atlanta, GA. Chelsey has been traveling and exploring the world of street art for over a decade. Along the way she has won several awards, been on TV, illustrated a children's book, been published in a variety of outlets, owned a central Florida Gallery, and participated in social marketing events with NASA. She received her Master Chalk Artist certification from the Florida Chalk Artist Association in 2014 and is currently a member of a number of chalk art societies, including the Georgia Chalk Artists Guild.
Fawne DeRosiaFawne DeRosia is an artist currently living in Thomaston, GA. She is the owner and operator of Flint Rose Studio where she shares her artworks, hosts paint-along parties and life drawing sessions, and offers a communal space for local artists to meet up. She loves trying out new techniques and mediums, from watercolor and acrylic, to wood-working and chalk. She fell in love with chalk art in 2014 and ever since has traveled all around Georgia and Florida participating in sidwalk chalk festivals. Fun fact: Fawne's Etsy shop, FawneDArt, was the first Etsy shop ever!
Beth ShistleBeth Shistle is both a fine artist and street painter who creates in and out of her studio in DeLand, Florida. She loves to explore the natural world and the world of art by working in different media, but favors acrylics and pastels. She has a Maestro designation from the Florida Chalk Artists Association, and has won quite a number of awards at street art festivals including Best of Show, Mayor's Choice, Grand Prize Large Format, Best Reproduction of a European Master, and People's Choice.
Meg MitchellMeg Mitchell is an Atlanta-area artist and designer. She is the owner of Everlong Creative, specializing in hand-lettering, calligraphy, engraving and chalk art. Meg began sign painting in 2015 for a grocery store chain in Texas before moving back to Atlanta where she created seasonal store graphics and designed retail merchandising for Whole Foods until 2015. She has been street painting for over three years and is a member of the Georgia Chalk Artists Guild.
Cathryn BozoneCathryn Bozone is an Atlanta based artist and member of the Georgia Chalk Artists Guild. She lives in downtown with her plumpish, black cat named Bear. She graduated from The University of West Georgia last spring with a Bachelor of Fine Arts and a concentration in Graphic Design. She has experience with a variety of mediums including painting, printmaking, street painting, and design. She loves analog artistic processes and doesn’t mind getting her hands dirty.
Heather CapHeather Cap is an artist living in Fayetteville, GA. A relative newcomer to chalk art, Heather attended her first Pop Up Chalk event with the Georgia Chalk Artists Guild in April of 2016 and was instantly hooked. She has since organized and chalked in Fayette County’s first ever Chalk Festival in May of 2016 and again in Tyrone at the Shamrock Arts Celebration in 2017. She has also led chalk classes for students at several Fayette County schools including Peeples Elementary Cultural Arts Week and The Campus in 2016-17. Heather has been the featured artist at several special events in Georgia, including Hops and Props in Peachtree City, Paws for a Purpose in Tyrone, NASA Link Up Live, and the Build a Better World summer reading event in Fayetteville.
Leigh AlfredsonLeigh Alfredson (known for over 20 years as Lee Jones in the chalking community) is a professional street painter living in the Orlando, Florida area and has been street painting and teaching this art form for over 23 years. Her company VIBRANCY DESIGN (formerly LJ Designs/Chalk It Up) provides professional street painting services, as well as street painting festival consulting services. Leigh has traveled all over the United States, Curacao, and Italy to paint, and helps organizations and non-profits hold street painting events as fund-raisers, or as an added aspect to an already established event. She is now focusing on teaching street painting in schools (LEARNTOSTREETPAINT.com) all over the country, keeping the art form alive by teaching our youth, as well as teaching other groups (kids or adults), or individuals one-on-one. Leigh’s style is graphic/realism, and she loves to do portraits, animals, or reproductions of Masters works such as Michelangelo, Caravaggio, and Bouguereau. Leigh has produced over 300 street paintings and produces street paintings and pastel drawings for some of the major Orlando area attractions.
Brittany WilliamsBrittany Williams is an Atlanta artist who has been practicing chalk art for the past couple of years. Her specialty is vibrant pop culture portraiture, featuring everything from musicians like Lynn Gunn to TV and movie characters like Lara Croft, Kelly Maxwell from Ash vs. The Evil Dead, to the monosyllabic Groot of Guardians of the Galaxy. Come check out this rising talent at the 2018 AMA Chalkfest!
James WheelerJames Wheeler moved to the Atlanta area in 2014 from Nashville, Tenn. He studied graphic design at MTSU, which is where he found a love for typography. He has since spent time exploring new mediums and experimenting with typography in each. Through collaboration with Quan McFall he created chalk pieces all around downtown Nashville. He was then noticed by a member within the Nashville Predators organization worked some jobs with them and several production companies around the city. He has also been working toward starting his own skateboard deck company that will feature his art.
Header Image: Original Art - The Swing by Jean-Honore Fragonard | Chalk Artist - Chelsey Austin